Monday, April 7, 2008

Another sample from my book.

Hey Everyone. I wanted to show you another "side" to my book. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

October 1989
After we got back to Iris’ house that night I could tell she was still thinking about the evening. My parents said I could stay the night with Iris, so as we were changing into our pajamas, I decided to do some investigating. “Iris, why were you so uncomfortable tonight around Jay? I thought you two had had a good relationship.” Iris was quiet. “Iris is there something I don’t know?” Iris sat down crossed legged on the bed; her room was filled with pompoms and pictures of the drill team, a constant reminder that I hadn’t made the cut. After a few minutes of silence, Iris started a story that was new to me, but now feels like it has always been a part of who I am. “Wendy, I have never told you the truth about what was going on in my relationship with Jay or why we broke up. You see Jay and I had sex.” I sat down next to her in a bit of disbelief about what she said. In fact I started to smile a little at first, thinking she might be kidding, but I soon realized that was not the case. She continued, “I haven’t slept with anyone since that first time, but I did sleep with him. We had been going out for a few weeks and every time we kissed, Jay wanted more. I told him no but he would always wear me down a little. He told me if I didn’t go further, he’d tell everyone at school that I confessed to him I was a lesbian and that I had feelings for one of the girls in our class. I knew if that happened no one would want to hang out with me anymore and my life would be ruined. So finally one afternoon after school when my parents were both gone; I let him come over and we had sex here in my room.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Why didn’t you tell me any of this?” “I was ashamed. It was so painful, not at all like I thought it was going to be. While I didn’t want to do it, I at least expected it to be romantic; I even lit a few candles and turned on some music. But Jay wanted nothing to do with romance. He told me he knew what he was doing and I should just listen to what he had to say. So I did. Wendy, it hurt so bad and it didn’t seem like Jay knew what he was doing. A few minutes after we had started I asked him to stop, it hurt so badly, but he wouldn’t.” Tears started to come out of Iris’ eyes, so I wrapped my arm around her and told her we could stop talking about it, knowing that we wouldn’t, that we couldn’t. “Finally he left and I swore I was not going to do it again. I changed the sheets on my bed and started cleaning my room. I didn’t want anyone to know what I had done. Jay and I broke up a few days later.” I still couldn’t believe it. How could I have not known Iris had had sex? I had always been jealous of her because the boys liked her so much. I hadn’t even had a boyfriend yet. While I knew this news would cause some division between us, I also recognized that she hadn’t always had the advantage over me. We went to sleep that night in silence. I think Iris knew things between us were going to be different, but she also clearly had some relief in letting someone else in on her secret.

1 comment:

James T Wood said...

I like the way you frankly deal with this serious topic. This really is a contrast to the humor of the other excerpt you shared. Good job.