Monday, January 3, 2011


I have never been one to make resolutions. They seem to just make a person feel like a failure and with so much sin in my life I certainly don't need to look for opportunities to feel badly about myself (nor do most people).
However, this year it just seemed like something I really wanted to do. I thought through some of the usual ones--weight loss, save money, eat healthy... But that wasn't what I was looking for. I wanted to find something that really improved who I am on the inside. I jokingly told my god children that this was the year I was going to find them a godfather (to which their dad started quoting the movie Scarface). Ironically the two solid ones I chose I am not going to post here for the free world to view and judge me on. However, I will vow here that when I fail I will simply start over. I will not beat myself down and give up. I will dust myself off and say tomorrow is another day.

The one resolution I do want to make here for God and everyone to bear witness to is that this will be the year--come hell or high water (a tribute to Ice Man--that I send my query letters off. If next December rolls around and you know for a fact I have not done this, you have my permission to smack me in the face! I am tired of living in fear.

And with's wishing you success on your goals for 2011!

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