Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today's Gem

It often benefits me that my memory is so poor.  I tend to not remember parts of movies and therefore can watch them over and over and be surprised.  I also can't remember some parts of town I've been to before and therefore everyday can be about discovering new places.  But as I continue to pilfer thru mom's belongings and share some of them with you at her possible expense, I also don't always remember where items (that I should remember) came from or why.  I remember these glasses from childhood (as you may as well) but am not confident about from where they came.  I want to say they were the type that were free with a certain McDonald's order.  But for all I know mom picked them up at a garage sale.  What do you think?

1 comment:

Carol said...

Yes, we have some of those tucked back into a closet, too. I do think they came free with a Happy Meal or something like that. Carol