Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2011

It’s December 1st.  I am 15 days away from my last day in the security of my salary and the beginning of a new chapter (ha! no pun intended).  My last day at work is December 15 and the next day is my 36th birthday. It wasn’t planned that way, But it’s really amazing that I will kick off my 37th year with a giant leap of faith in both myself and the Lord. I am anxious about the change, the uncertainty of it all, the lifestyle of an artist; but at the same time I’m calm. Sometimes I think I should really be more anxious.  Either I am just ignoring it and living in denial or I am at peace with where I am headed and know it’ll be ok. It’ll be amazing to look back next December.

I reviewed my blog entries from last December and found this: 
It has been over a year since I have written anything on this blog. I am embarrassed about the lack of attention I have given it as of late. I have made excuses and let other things be a priority. I have let my love of writing fall away. I want to pick it up again; to discipline myself; to not squander the gift I've been given. 

It took me awhile to get back on track after that.  But here I am. In the groove again and in two weeks, I’ll be in the groove full time--crazy! 

The path of a writer can be scary.  Like any art it’s all about perception and preference.  One person (you, of course) will love my writing, while their neighbor will hate it. I wonder sometimes if I am healthy enough to handle it.  But then after reading, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamont (great book by the way) I learned all artists are a little mentally unstable. Great! I fit right in. Then while you’re wrestling with your talent, your choice, you see someone else just randomly write a book about one life experience they had and you’re instantly jealous because now they are calling themselves a writer and you feel like some kind of chump. 
All that to say...this chump is going for it.  Stay posted.


Carrie Donovan said...

Wow - congrats! Eight months after my big leap nothing's gone as planned, but I'm happier than ever. Just knowing that you're strong enough to give up that kind of security to improve quality of life is incredibly satisfying. I'm so proud of you =)

James T Wood said...

You've got this! God will provide, it may not always be with a fat wad of cash, but it will always be what you need. The trust is difficult, but worth it. Go you!